About Us
Stewart-Watson Farm LLC is located in North Salem, NY, Westchester County’s most northern town, renowned for being “horse country”. The farmhouse was built in 1900 and fronts 15’ from a dirt road, fabled “Vail Lane”. In 2019 the farm’s 30 plus chicken business was replaced with a new enterprise: in-house mushroom production, after the LLC was formed, and an unique high tech “mushroom factory” was finished in the gutted basement of the farmhouse. We are comprised of a small team of family and friends, who are all committed to providing our community with fresh and healthy mushrooms.
Stewart-Watson sources Soy Hulls from Iowa and Oak pellets from Wisconsin to allow the highest quality of crucial substrate mix. Another unique supplier in Maine ships specialized organic grain spawn mycelium used in our inoculation process.

Our Mushroom Farm
Our "Farm" is not what one would think of as a typical farm. We don’t have acres of fallow or cultivated fields. All of our mushrooms are grown indoors. The portion of the Farmhouse devoted to mushroom production is comprised of four rooms: a “production area” consisting of our DIY autobagger to create substrate bags, 4 autoclaves and a DIY 55 gallon sterilizing barrel, a “Lab room” with its HEPA flow box to inoculate the substrate bags with mycelium in a sterilized environment, a dark colonizing room for the 2-3 week period necessary for the inoculated bags to fully colonize, and a storage area to store the “master mix” substrate before use. A detached building houses two fruiting rooms with high tech gauges to keep the mushrooms within strict parameters of temperature, humidity, lighting, and CO2 concentration. Finally, our “Processing/Kitchen room” is where the harvested mushrooms are weighed, invoiced and prepped for sale to our customers. It is also where we are experimenting to produce mushroom chips, and lion's mane powder.
After years of experimentation SW has mushroom production down to a science – with our own unique formula for consistently producing the highest quality mushrooms possible every day.
Where to Find our Fungi!
You can find our mushrooms at the following area markets and restaurants:
Obadiah Square, our farmstand in North Salem NY
Stewart's Market, New Canaan CT
New Canaan Butcher Shop, New Canaan CT
Harvest Moon Farm & Orchard, North Salem NY
121 Restaurant, North Salem NY
Bailey's Backyard, Ridgefield CT
The Back End, New Canaan CT
South End At The Station, New Canaan CT
Cenadou, North Salem NY
Townhouse, Greenwich CT